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Tom Arnold performs May 18th!

May 18, 2025 04:00 PM

Don't miss the chance to see a comedy icon perform right here in downtown Yuba City!

Two shows are planned for May 18th - tickets and details to be announced soon.

Tom Arnold is an actor, writer, and comedian with a career spanning over 35 years, he has appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, Howard Stern, Saturday Night Live, and was a co-host on "The Best Damn Sports Show Period". In addition to his numerous television appearances, he has been in over 150 films. He is best known for his roles on Roseanne, Austin Powers, Soul Plane, and True Lies. He also hosted his own show on Vice called "Hunt For The Trump Tapes".

He will be appearing in Arnold Schwarzenegger's new Netflix series "UTAP" and can be seen currently on CBS's reboot of "True Lies" and has a recurring role on "The Rookie: Feds". Tom is a single dad with a 10-year-old and 7-year-old and 4 ex-wives. He's been stabbed, arrested naked, and charged for kidnapping. Go Hawks!

Opening for Tom will be Drew Shafer

Drew Shafer is a high-energy comedian who frenetically and charmingly awkwardly recounts stories of growing up sheltered, trying to be the cool rapping high school math teacher, and responding to bullying in the pettiest of ways. Drew has been heard on SiriusXM and is a regular at Punch Line Sacramento/San Francisco, Laughs Unlimited, and Cobb’s. Drew was a quarterfinalist of the 2023 World Series of Comedy Main Event. He was also selected for the 2023 Laugh After Dark Festival, 2023 Cleveland Comedy Festival, and the inaugural 2023 Colorado Springs Comedy Festival. He is currently ranked #80 in the world in Roast Battle and one of Drew’s recent videos hit 12 million views on TikTok and was even shared by Elon Musk on iFunny.